Perhaps this year you are interested in and have time to establish a little prayer space? Or maybe you would like to send or give a sweet greeting to someone special? My new Card Kits are now in stock and today I'm featuring the Annunciation. This is a perfect gift (optional) for many occasions and is quite lovely when displayed.Card Kits come with an envelope, a custom cut, acid free, signed mat and a custom made fold card that is ready to frame size. The inside of the card is blank except for a small coordinated detail. All is sealed in a reusable, clear gift package. 4.75W x 7.25L. Please view the selection and pricing below. $19.00 per kit includes shipping to the continental USA. Order here and an invoice will be sent. Request PayPal or Square Up. 1. These quality Card Kits are limited stock. Laminated prayer cards, include the Angelus & a 4th century prayer to Mary composed by St Ephriam are perfect @ $12/set with envelopes & shipping included. Tax 5.5%. Approximately 4"W x 8"L & approx 5"W x 7"L. All of my items are stored in a clean, private environment and shipped out at this price through USPS or according to specified request. Fill out the contact form below to order or inquire. Invoices are sent through square-up or pay-pal. For larger prints, framed and unframed, please inquire about what is in stock today. Comments are closed.
"...whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things." St Paul
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