Painted Scenes from the Altar frontal of Avià , The Infancy of Christ. Christmas. For Sale12/5/2021
Feature of the Month: About sales read here. These four delightful 8x10 Avia panel paintings in egg tempera have been part of my private Christmas collection for years and now it is time to offer them to you @$375 plus S&H/tax for the set (without frames). The panels are a quarter inch thick. For more information please click the contact above. I was inspired to copy these Romanesque gems after a visit to the Catalonia region - already many years ago! My favorite of the four is the nativity. The style is unique to this part of the world and the 13th century artist, although not known by name, is rather famous nonetheless. Researchers attribute a number of works to this same master. First installed at the church of St. Mary of Avià, in the county of Berguedà, the panels were later moved to Barcelona for preservation. The central panel, featuring Mary and Jesus, is a part of the original frontal, although I did not paint that one. Snips of the original below. Have a blessed Advent and Christmas Season! About limited sales: Devotional sized pieces and miscellaneous artworks that have been part of my private collection and were completed earlier in my career. I am now glad to offer them to the public at a reasonable cost. Cash or verified personal check accepted. There is an additional charge for CC. S&H, and tax. In the future look for listings marked "for sale" on my Notes blog. Thank you for the support!
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"...whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things." St Paul
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