Theotokos Icon 2021 is based on a simplified Theotokos copy that I developed for workshops. It will take 5 full days of labor to complete at a quick pace. I recommend 6 days for groups if possible. Am I able to instruct a workshop like this one for your group? The answer is often yes. I have posted a short list of guidelines at the bottom of this page to provide you with more insight on the process of organizing an event. Hosting Workshops An individual or a group of interested students are referred to as the organizer(s) and are the ones who carry the initiative forward. Responsibilities include: 1. promoting the event 2. selecting a date (with enough time to plan for it and gather students) 3. secure an appropriate, sometimes contracted, location 4. arrange for the collection of workshop fees which are based on the projected number of students, days requested and all associated instructor expenses A. a minimum of 10-12 students is optimal B. small group sizes can be requested however the fee will increase per student 5. provide a non-refundable, good faith payment to the artist There are variable factors that always need to be worked out however, if the above is agreeable to you, please contact me to learn more. FRONT OF ROOM instructors table:
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"...whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things." St Paul
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