Jesus Christ Savior Icon Workshops con writing workshops for Jesus Savior icon are upon request. These are daytime intensive programs. If your group would like to complete an icon in 4 days, a simplified version, with less details, can be offered. Email for more information. Pending state openings. Student comments: “Personally, I have wanted to paint an icon on my own for 10 or so years. It has been a deep desire and I am so grateful to you. I have a feeling I will reach out again to do another icon retreat/class on my own.” “It was a really beautiful time and I definitely feel like I improved, so thank you!” “We have both Icons side by side right now and we are enjoying their presence as we pray." “Thanks for helping us see more!” “We are all noting different colors and shades in the world right now.” Icon Workshops are offered on a per request basis to small "retreat"groups of approximately 8 students. If there are enough independent students interested (at any one time) a workshop can be scheduled. Do you have a different location in mind and would like to host a workshop?
Location: Brookfield, WI @ the LumenChristiArt Studio location conveniently located near Brookfield Square Mall off I94. Upon application, more details will be sent. Comments are closed.
"...whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things." St Paul
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